1Stephen Squirrell31,7

Saturday 12th October  – Windsurf **** The Manor at Felixstowe – mainly cloudy.


Foil – 18.49  knot max, 17.12 knot ave, 13.04  knot hour, 16.54 knot mile, 39.66 km., 12.99 knot alpha.


Starboard Freeride 150 and a Evolution Freeride foil with a Tushingham Bolt 5.5.


There was a good forecast today, 15/20 knots from the South but the day started with light winds so I did my exercises, then the wind picked up around midday but it was not very inspiring being dull with some light rain:( I forced myself to hitch the trailer and headed down to check out The Manor with Mag coming so she could have her daily walk:) I parked easily in Squiz Lane and with the tide low it did not look too bad, maybe a tad lumpy! Board was set up and with a cross on breeze gusting to 18 knots I rigged my 5.5 and launched around one. I thought I had rigged way too small to start with as I slowly sailed away from the beach but I pumped up onto the plane and didn’t look back, I had a long run out to sea to check the conditions before heading up the coast getting to The Dip in one run, the sea was big and lumpy but the foil makes light work of that:) I gybed and sailed to our launch beach and there was a winger out with a couple of kites getting ready, sadly it was pretty lumpy here two but I had a couple of short runs getting my best gybes here before starting the beat back in a good breeze now:) I got back in 5 runs, bearting in a big sea is such fun even if a little tiring! Once back I had one more broad run out before deciding to call it a day. Not a bad session despite mainly sailing in cloud but at least it did not rain, just my and Al Wizz out at The Manor. Neil H came down on his bike so I had a nice chat with him before packing up and heading for home!
