
Dear Speedfriends,

Only want to say that it was a tru pleasure to have the first test with the new Coros Vertix

It was not the speed because it was nearly no wind but took on both the GW-60 and the Coros gps

All the times was more or less exactly the same on all the different measurements Thums Up !!

Another great thing are the strap that have alot of flex. Supernice if you ask me !

Then the auto upload are sooooo Nice and even if some say the price are to much, skip a mast ;-)

Wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2021

Fully agree! Have done my two first sessions this weekend with mine. I've posted a review in Norwegian on FB in the Norwegian Speedmaster Group. 

Beeing able to customize the screens, and swipe beteen them when sailing is very nice. "Touch scroll" worked well, even with mittens.